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Assets & Information

Brand Assets

Download the brand assets, which includes new logos and alternative versions.


Identity Guide

Get info on how to use our assets and the RC1HR brand.

View PDF


For questions regarding these guidelines, please contact HR Communications Unit.




These guidelines outline the general rules when using Riverside County Human Resources brand assets. Consistent use of these assets helps people easily recognize references to RCHR and protect the brand.


Keep enough space around RC1HR brand assets to keep them clear and uncluttered

Maintain the shape and proportion of each of RC1HR brand assets and reproduce assets at a legible size.


Modify brand assets in any way, such as by changing the design or color.

Any combination or part of RC1HR brand with your name, marks or generic terms.

Alter the proportions or spatial relationships of the logo or its parts (icon and nameplate)

Use the logo in outline form

Add an outline to the logo

Distort, skew, morph or italicize the logo

A subtle shadow effect on the logo is acceptable as long as it increases the legibility of the logo.

Avoid dark, harsh shadows as they can have the effect of changing the logo design

Use artificial dimensional effects (such as making the logo three-dimensional or using the digital embossing effect). Having the logo actually embossed is acceptable but using artificial dimensional effects can reduce the legibility of the logo and change the logo design.

Use the icon as a stand-alone image. It must be used in combination with the nameplate, as directed

Make a pattern or decorative device out of the logo or its parts (icon or nameplate)

Use any part of the logo or its styling as the basis for another design

Make sure there is enough contrast between the logo and any background it is against to ensure proper legibility

Avoid busy, complex backgrounds that interfere with legibility

Use a logo unless it is in perfect condition (no jagged edges, blurriness, missing parts).

Typefaces & Colors

Primary Typefaces



Secondary Typefaces



Primary Color

Color Hexadecimal Value CMYK RGB
Navy Blue 333366 C: 93 M: 90 Y: 31 K: 20 R.51 G.51 B.102
Gold CC9933 C: 20 M: 40 Y: 96 K: 2 R.220 G.165 B.54

Secondary Color

ColorHexadecimal ValueCMYKRGB
WhiteFFFFFFC: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0R.100 G.100 B.100
Black000000R.0 G.0 B.0R.80 G.60 B.20
Royal Blue0156A0C: 99 M: 73 Y: 5 K: 0R.1 G.86 B.160