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The core functions of the Safety Loss Control Division are the following:

  • Provide training to assist county departments, agencies, and districts in meeting, Cal/OSHA-required safety training standards
  • Conduct regularly scheduled and/or emergency safety and industrial hygiene inspections and provides written reports with the recommended corrective action 
  • Conduct on-site ergonomic evaluations, make workstation / work practice adjustments at the time of evaluation and provide long-term corrective recommendations in a written report 
  • Conduct accident investigations to determine cause of accident and to develop recommendations to prevent future accidents 
  • Review and/or assist in the creation of the department required written safety programs which include, but are not limited to Injury and Illness Prevention Program, Hazard Communications Program, Blood Borne Pathogens Program, Respiratory Protection Program, Emergency Action Plan, Lockout / Block-Out Program 
  • Develop injury and illness prevention training materials
  • Act as the County’s liaison with outside regulatory agencies on matters pertaining to occupational safety and health 
  • Interpret and implement applicable statutory and regulatory legal requirements pertaining to occupational safety and health and continuously monitor those requirements for any changes that could affect the County’s legal obligations 
  • Conduct required safety training to Employees throughout Riverside County; Trainings include, but are not limited to:
 Repetitive Motion Injury Prevention (ergonomics) CPR & First AidHazardous Communications 
 Employee Workplace Violence Prevention CPR / Automatic External Defibrillator Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors
Supervisor Workplace Violence PreventionBlood borne Pathogens  Additional specialized training is provided and/or coordinated as needed
 Supervisor Safety Training Airborne Pathogens MRSA Prevention
 Driver Safety Awareness Forklift Training Provide policy guidance on occupational safety and health issues to County Department Heads and/or their designee(s)


  • Administer the County’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (DOT) required alcohol and drug testing program for “safety sensitive" positions. 
  • Administer the County’s California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Pull-Notice Program.  The pull-notice program allows the County to verify that an employee or prospective employee has a valid California Drivers license.  Additionally, the pull-notice program provides immediate notice when driving privileges are about to be suspended or revoked by the DMV. 
  • Administer and coordinate the County’s Safety Advisory Committee / Vehicle Accident Review Board 
  • Administer the County’s Board of Supervisors approved Automated External Defibrillator (AED) program.  Administration of the program included identifying locations for placement, assisting with ordering assisting and purchasing the equipment, training employees, effecting the actual placement of the equipment, ensuring that the equipment is maintained properly and replaced as needed and reporting any usage of the equipment to the appropriate authorities.  The County currently has approximately 267 AEDs in service.
Serious Injuries

Serious Injuries

Hazard Reporting

Hazard Reporting

SDS Online

SDS Online

Safety Division

Safety Division