Program Overview
The County of Riverside believes our most important asset is our employees. As a public service organization, we cannot provide the support and services needed by our communities and customers without the exceptional service provided by our employees, leaders, and teams. To demonstrate this belief and align with County goals and organizational values, Human Resources, in collaboration with the Executive Office, has developed a Countywide Employee Recognition Program. This program recognizes and incentivizes employees’ truly exceptional work for achievements made in the following categories:

INNOVATION: | Recognizes individuals who have contributed to the practical implementation of ideas that resulted in the introduction of new or improved innovative County of Riverside goods and services. |
STELLAR CUSTOMER SERVICE: | Recognizes individuals who have exemplified extraordinary customer service in their role with the County of Riverside through establishing and maintaining positive and effective working relationships with fellow staff, stakeholders, and internal/external customers. |
ESSENCE OF LEADERSHIP: | Recognizes individuals who embody integrity and self-awareness and demonstrate their ability to foster teamwork, as well as develop and coach their workforce, to leverage exceptional service to the internal and external customers of Riverside County. |
LEAN IMPROVEMENTS: | Recognizes individuals who streamline workflows, improve policies, mitigate redundancies, implement new or improve existing systems, and improve quality by identifying which working processes are valuable and which are inefficient, passing on benefits to County customers. |
EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS THROUGH TEAMWORK: | Recognizes County teams that create positive change and achieve exceptional results together through the cooperation of many minds, with a common vision, working toward a common goal. Teams prove this success by the exceptional feats and improved services it has achieved, for both internal and external customers, and the single-minded commitment it has shown towards county improvements and positive change. |

County recognition for each of the above categories is awarded on an annual basis. Departmental nominations are accepted during the month of June for exceptional accomplishments made over the course of the current fiscal year.
All Departmental nominations are reviewed by each County Portfolio’s Assistant County Executive Officer (ACEO), Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), or Chief Financial Officer (CFO) during the month of July. Each ACEO, CAO, and CFO selects one employee (or team) for each award category from their Departments to move forward in the Recognition Program process.
Nominations are then reviewed by a committee of Departmental representatives during the month of August and one winner for each program category is selected. Winners are formally recognized at a Board meeting during the month of September.
Additional Information on the program can be reviewed using the resources below:
Provide feedback or request additional information on the County of Riverside Employee Recognition Program by completing the survey provided below:
Departmental Resources
Creating a Departmental Recognition Program
CERP - Creating your Departmental Employee Recognition Program
CERP - Creating your Departmental Employee Recognition Program
Checklist: Creating your Departmental Employee Recognition Program
Checklist: Creating your Departmental Employee Recognition Program
Sample E-mail - Notifying Award Winners
Sample E-mail - Notifying Award Winners
Sample E-mail - Call for Committee Members
Sample E-mail - Call for Committee Members
Sample E-mail - Nominations are Open!
Sample E-mail - Nominations are Open!
Sample E-mail - Announcing your new Recognition Program
Sample E-mail - Announcing your new Recognition Program
Sample Employee Recognition Ideas
Sample Employee Recognition Ideas
Sample Employee Recognition Program Nomination Form
Sample Employee Recognition Program Nomination Form
Sample Employee Recognition Program Feedback Survey
Sample Employee Recognition Program Feedback Survey.
Sample Employee Recognition Program Nomination Review Rubric
Sample Employee Recognition Program Nomination Review Rubric
Countywide Employee Recognition Program (CERP) Resources
County of Riverside Employee Recognition Program – General Program Information and Flowchart
County of Riverside Employee Recognition Program – General Program Information and Flowchart
County of Riverside Employee Recognition Program (CERP) Frequently Asked Questions
County of Riverside Employee Recognition Program (CERP) Frequently Asked Questions
CERP Program Categories and Descriptions
CERP Program Categories and Descriptions
CERP Program General Yearly Timeline
CERP Program General Yearly Timeline
SAMPLE Departmental Nomination Survey
SAMPLE Departmental Nomination Survey
2024 Winners

2023 Winners

Program Contacts
Have additional questions?
Get in contact with the Program Administrator here:
County of Riverside Human Resources Department
Learning & Organizational Development Division: